Remote French Education

In 2020 and 2021, CIFC is offering remote French classes! Please use this link to sign up to receive Zoom invitations to the classes. The classes are free and open to the wider community.

Débutant classes take place on Monday at 5:00 pm PST every other week.
Moyen classes take place on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm PST every other week.
Avancé classes take place on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm PST every other week.

Classes are led by Sara Meyers. Sara is a longtime CIFC counselor and has a degree in education. She’ll employ the same philosophy we use during French Camp and will teach using games and play. We know children are spending hours every day in front of a screen and so we endeavor to provide classes that are low pressure and dynamic. Please feel free to contact Sara directly at

Classes will meet every other week and each class will last about an hour. The lessons are structured so that it will be useful if students can attend every week and build on what they learn; however, kids can drop in and they won’t have trouble following along if they missed the previous week.

We would love for our campers to keep their French skills sharp this year. Marisa Ikert, former CIFC counselor and current French teacher, has put together a fantastic guide of free resources available online for every level of speaker to practice their French. The resources include stories, YouTube videos, podcasts, and more. Even reluctant learners might be tempted to sing a Disney song en français or add a Chrome extension to put French subtitles on Netflix shows. Please read this blog post for Marisa’s excellent recommendations to help your children stay invested in learning and practicing French.